DISCOVAR de novo
DISCOVAR de novo is a short read genome assembly developed by the Broad Institute. It can generate high quality assemblies from the latest 250 base Illumina paired-end PCR-free fragment reads.
DISCOVAR is undergoing continuous development. There is no 'official' release, instead please download the latest source code from our nightly builds. Check back often for updates.
The LICENSE file contains copyright and licensing information.
The INSTALL file contains information on how to configure, build, and install DISCOVAR de novo.
The docs directory contains documentation on DISCOVAR de novo and its associated tools:
DiscovarDeNovo - DISCOVAR de novo manaul
NhoodInfo - NhoodInfo manual
CrossOut - CrossOut manual
For more information, visit the DISCOVAR blog:
The above link includes directions on using the tool, along with other documentation.
-Computational R&D, The Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA