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A robust surface tracking library that handles topology changes in large non-manifold meshes with arbitrary deformations.
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Video processing pipeline for the pre-processing of fish-eye distorted videos for behavioral analysis. The videos need to be renamed, cropped, and corrected for distortion before being used in the behavioral analysis pipeline for training and prediction.
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Make the measurements of PIN lateralization automated by measuring the intensity at the basal and lateral side of each cell in the endodermis of the rot tip of Arabidopsis.
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Conversion and visualization of TSOAX data
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Originally created by Christoph Sommer (ISTA) for AIAI meeting 10/06/2024
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Introductory workshop for the use of Jupyter notebooks for image analysis pipelines by the Imaging and Optics Facility (IOF) team at ISTA.
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A test application for controlling a Fluigent Aria (https://www.fluigent.com/de/forschung/instrumente/aria/) device under NIS Elements macro. A python TCP listens NIS macros to remote control the Aria system using the Fluigent's SDK (https://github.com/Fluigent/aria-sdk).
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Storage platform to keep a galvo stage insert safe, when not in use
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Fastener for multiwell chambered slide holders on a Zeiss stage insert
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Robust container to keep immersion objectives safe, when not mounted on the lightsheet microscope
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Stand to hold a sample chamber of a Zeiss lightheet horizontally during preparation